An Active August over at Riverview!

Check out what our Babies, Toddlers and Pre-School have been up to during this busy month at Riverview!

What has our local community got to offer us?

We had an extremely exciting and busy August here at Riverview! The month started off with our Babies and Toddlers taking a trip on the tram, into the local community, heading to Hillsborough Library. They had a great time exploring, and listening to the stories being read by our staff team who accompanied them. Once we got back, the children also enjoyed colouring pictures based around the books we had read. We love watching the children become more familiar with their local area; we will continue to visit the community and everything it has to offer.

Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting                              Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting

Makaton Awareness Week

August was home to Makaton Awareness Week, so we made sure we made the most of it throughout the nursery! Makaton is a language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to support language development. All rooms joined in practicing their key signs, and continued to learn all about Makaton at group times. They practiced the Makaton song of the month which was ‘1,2,3,4,5, Once I Caught a Fish Alive!”

Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting                            Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting

Crazy Science!

In Pre-School we’ve been carrying out lots of science experiments; our focus was things that fizz! We explored with bath bombs, vinegar and bicarbonate of soda, and lime/lemon juice. We heard lots of interesting sounds as we tested all the different materials out!

Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting                          Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting

A little bit of sunshine…

Although August was meant to be our last summer month, we didn’t really get our fair share of sunshine. However, on the odd days we did have some sun, our Babies enjoyed splashing about in the water play area to keep cool.

Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting                       Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting

Artists in the making!

Our Babies also spent lots of time this month exploring different textured paint, and different ways of mark-making. Our garden area got a new makeover thanks to our artistic Babies and their impressive painting skills!

Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting                       Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting

Architects of the future?

Toddlers also enjoyed exploring different aspects of the garden this month, and had their own means of contributing to it’s makeover; they used blocks and panels to build new stations and objects in the garden, including our very own car wash! They then used their new creations to help develop their balancing skills and range of movements. They too were also very creative with the painting when decorating these creations.

Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting    Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting    Nursery Fun Activities Riverview Science Makaton Library Painting

What did August teach us?

The main thing we discovered here at Riverview this month, was that you don’t need sun to have fun!


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