April started off with our Easter celebrations here at Highgate! The children enjoyed taking part in lots of Easter themed crafts & activities. Rising 3’s used potato mashers with the children to paint & print Easter eggs pictures, we did lots of baking activities, including chocolate Easter nests & chick biscuits. We finished off our celebrations with an Easter Egg hunt in the garden for all children to search for some Easter treats.

In Toddlers, we have been looking after some caterpillars! Once they had made their cocoons we put them into their butterfly net. We then waited patiently for them to develop, talking about what we thought they may turn into. We read our story of the week which was ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ & learnt that they will turn into butterflies. We were very excited when our butterflies came out & enjoyed watching them learning to fly. We fed them some apple & nectar water. When they were strong enough, we went on an adventure to the park to set them free!

The Pre-School children had so much fun at our Eid party! We danced to traditional music, wore our traditional/party clothes & had a big Eid dinner.

The staff were also treated to a delicious Eid lunch, thanks to Alisha & Uzma who work in the Pre-School room!